Benefits of Tulsi (Basil leaves)

Have you ever wondered why tulsi leaves are traditionally put in the mouth of a dying person? It is said to guide the departed soul towards heaven. It is also believed to be a ward against evil spirits and ghosts. While Hindu mythology is replete with various legends woven around this sacred plant, tulsi holds a special place in Ayurved as its medicinal uses are phenomenal.

According to Ms. Sandhya Gugnani, a famous nutritionist:

Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, has an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties which help in purifying the blood and keep skin and hair healthy and glowing. The holy basil is packed with antioxidants as well as immune-enhancing qualities, the phytochemicals present in tulsi protect the body from damages caused by free radicals thus, delaying the aging process. Tulsi helps in increasing the metabolism which aids in weight loss when coupled with increased physical activity & a healthy diet. It also increases sensitivity to insulin, lowering one’s blood sugar & treating diabetes

How to benefit from Tulsi

– Having fever? Have tulsi and cardamom boiled in water. It helps bring down the fever.
– Tulsi is a germicide and disinfectant. It protects us from infections.
– Tulsi with honey and ginger is an effective remedy against bronchitis, asthma, influenza and cold.
– Eating tulsi empty stomach, is known to relieve one from kidney stones.
– Tulsi reduces blood cholesterol levels.
– Tulsi contains Vitamin C and other antioxidants such as eugenol which protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals.
– Warm tulsi juice gets rid of stomach worms.
– Foul breath is such a big turn off! Guess what! Tulsi fights with bad breath, pyorrhoea and cavities and other dental problems.
– Tulsi has been traditionally known to cure night blindness.
– A large group of researchers believe that it has the potential to fight cancer, as it scavenges free radicals in the body.

(Source: The Times of India)